Cock Spots

Tonight we wondered, "where do all the hot boys hang out on Sunday?" Oddly enough, we also wondered the same thing the previous evening, as well as the week before, and the week before that.
Wouldn't it be great if you at least had an idea where the greatest concentration of delectable specimens were guzzling their PBRs at a given time? I mean, if you're going to spend your hard-earned money in a drinking establishment, you need to get the most eye candy for the buck.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


(trying to catch up before the official beginning of this weekend)

You know when people bitch and whine about never meeting anyone and being "sick of the bar scene?" Someone inevitably replies you meet "quality" people in the park, produce aisle, riding bikes, sitting around all day in coffee shops, and of course volunteering. Of course you will see hot boys doing these activities at one time or another, but who is really fit to determine what constitues a "quality" person. Exactly.

Let's talk about this volunteering thing; it usually conjures up do-gooders in soup kitchens, but it can be somewhat glamorous, depending on the situation. I volunteered last week for an event. There were a lot of celebs and a few hotties at the event, and there were definitely two smokin' babes alongside me.